Invitación al club de lectura "Adornadas"

We want to invite you to read together the book Adorned: Living the Beauty of the Gospel Together , written by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.

We will start next April 2! If you decide to participate, you just have to purchase your book (at Editorial Portavoz and any of its distributors , at the Revive Our Hearts store or on Amazon ) and stay connected to the blog. Every Monday for 7 weeks, we will be sharing a video of a practical conversation about the assigned chapters.

This will be the reading order:

Week 1: April 2

1. An adorned and adorning woman       
2. The doctrine, you and Titus 2    

Week 2: April 9

3. Don't lose hope in this modeling career 
4 Grow and disciple others  

Week 3: April 16

5 A revival of reverence
6 Don't tell me

Week 4: April 23

7 In freedom
8 A “sophron” state of mind

Week 5: April 30

9 Passionate about purity
10 A taste of heaven

Week 6: May 7

11 I need help to love that man
12 An unexpected blessing

Week 7: May 14

13 Life-givers in training
14 Instruments of grace 

Invite an older woman, a younger woman, or read it as a group, because that's what it's about... together we can discover how to adorn the Gospel of Christ.

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Aviva Nuestros Corazones

Aviva Nuestros Corazones

Creemos que Dios desea producir un avivamiento y una reforma generalizada entre las mujeres del mundo mientras las llamamos a la libertad, plenitud y abundancia en Cristo. También confiamos que Dios continuará avivando corazones y llevando a las mujeres a … leer más …

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