Reto devocional para solteras

Hello girls! Today I want to share with you the new Revive Our Hearts resource, it is a devotional challenge for single women. This challenge is very special because it has two versions, one for young girls like you and another for older women. Here I leave you with the invitation from my friend Nicole, so go ahead and get it. –Betsy Gomez

Michelle just spent the entire weekend crying after another breakup with her boyfriend. I tried to console my sister, but at the same time I thought, "At least she has had boyfriends and she feels loved." Are you the girl who has never been in a relationship or are you the girl who is never without one? Does singleness seem different to you because of Jesus?

Whether you are new to this single life and its “challenges,” have been single your entire life, are in a relationship but feel lonely, or are new to the Christian faith; I want to challenge you. This isn't just something else for single women to do; We're helping you take a different approach, something I wish I'd done a long time ago.

This is not a “quick fix” to being single nor will the prize for completing the challenge be a “handsome knight in shining armor.” In this 30-day challenge you will experience real, raw struggles that most people don't want to or know how to process (especially in many Christian circles). This challenge will help you face each one. The door is open for you to join some of my friends and I as we talk about real struggles. Maybe you can invite some friends to do this 30-day challenge with you. 

It's so easy to feel alone in the midst of this circumstance or think that we "can" do it alone, when all we really want is to have fellowship and recognize that we are not alone.

With wisdom a house is built,

And with prudence it is established;

With knowledge the chambers are filled

Of every precious and desirable good.

The wise man is strong,

And the man of knowledge increases his power.

Because with wise guidance you will wage war,

And in the abundance of advisors is victory.

Proverbs 24:3-6

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Nicole Njoroge

Nicole Njoroge

Nicole reside en el norte de Indiana con su esposo Sam. Ella ama la aventura, especialmente la aventura infinita de conocer a Dios a través de Cristo en Su Palabra. Actualmente es la Gerente de contenido digital en español y … leer más …

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Si buscas consejo te animamos a hablar primero con tu pastor o una mujer piadosa en tu vida, ya que ellos sabrán más detalles de ti y te darán seguimiento y ayuda.Lo publicado en la sección de comentarios no necesariamente refleja el punto de vista de Aviva Nuestros Corazones.

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