Aviva Nuestros Corazones Podcast

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La perfección moral de Jesucristo

Nancy Leigh DeMoss: Scientists are now claiming to have found the universal standard for beauty. It's simply a mathematical ratio known as Phi or "divine proportion" which is also known as "The Golden Ratio."

Leslie Basham:  This is Nancy Leigh De Moss voiced by Patricia de Saladin.

Nancy: The ratio is 1.618:1. This ratio can be applied to many areas where beauty can be found. It applies to art, architecture, nature, and facial beauty.

For example, if the face from cheek to cheek measures 10 inches, then to be conformed to the ideal proportion the length of the face from the top of the head to below the chin should be 16.18 inches. This would be true beauty.

There is a plastic surgeon who developed a “ phi” mask, which is the ideal model of the human face, including these divine golden proportions. There is another study done by a …

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